There are 2 vital questions anybody seeking for the right steps on how to get your ex back forever need to ask himself or herself. The questions are:
- Does it worth it getting back with my ex?
- Why did we break up in the first instance?
You must ask yourself these two questions because getting back your ex boyfriend or girlfriend is not the hard part. The hard part is keeping your ex forever. Remember, your ex left you. So what is the essence of searching for how to get your ex back forever if you can’t keep him or her forever?
Before I provide you with the 5 proven steps that may help you in you in getting your ex back forever and get over the pains associated with breakup; I will like to briefly introduce myself. My name is Mrs. Leia C. Black and happily married with two kids residing here in California.
I used the word “may help you” because I can’t bet that you will get back your ex. I can, however, guarantee that if you follow this plan, your chances of getting an answer to your request “how to get your ex back forever” will increase significantly.
What This Article Is About When it Comes to How to Get Your Ex Back Forever?
The 5 steps in this article are arranged in order so that you can follow them to the latter in order to increase your chances of getting back you ex boyfriend or girlfriend and avoid the mistakes that usually hamper the chances of getting back your ex.
Most people get confused after break up and could not think straight in their bid to get back their ex, which is why they fall victim of buying any scrap they see that promised to reveal to them how to get your ex back forever within 24 hours or less, which leads them to making of 5 deadly mistakes that hampers their effort.
I have seen people make these mistakes over and over again (in my six years years of experience helping people with breakups). Having a plan gives you a sense of direction and removes all the confusion. A plan will give you something to look forward to when you are feeling down and unsure about yourself. A plan will give you hope. This article is that plan that reveals how to get your ex back forever.
What could These 5 Brutal Mistakes Be and Have I Committed Any?
I am glad you ask because your ability to recognize and avoid any of the 5 brutal mistakes I am about to explain below will speedily increase your chances of getting back your ex boyfriend or girlfriend.
All the brutal mistakes people do after break up are as a result of what is referred as “psychological hiccup”. This means that people fall the victim of following their instinct instead of their willpower. The whole processes of how to get your ex back forever found in this article are unconventional but it works like magic. From the beginning they will not make sense but as you read and digest them you will begin to see why it works for virtually anybody that applied them in getting back his boyfriend or girlfriend.
So, let’s start going over to those deadly or brutal mistakes you must avoid at all cost if you are really searching for how to get your ex back forever.
Brutal Mistake #1: Calling And Texting Them All The Time
This saying is common among dates or couples that separated , “Since we separated I have been calling him or her or I have been texting him or her but no reply”. When you constantly call or text your ex, then you “triggering his or her ego”, which is why your ex will never reply your calls or text message. So, constantly calling or texting your ex after break up is deadly.
In other words, when you frequently call or text your ex you are invariably telling your ex that you are worthless without him or her, and that will boost his or her pride. If possible, write down your ex phone number somewhere else, and delete it from your phone in order to avoid the temptation of calling him or her. Also, you can block him in all of your social site accounts.
Deadly Mistake #2: Begging And Trying To Use Pity
You are telling your ex how inferior you are when you end up begging, crying or pleading after break up. In fact, some people go a long way of accepting being the reason for break up because they simply need to make up.

Trust me; no one takes their ex back out of pity. No one is attracted to someone who is miserable. And even if your ex came back because of this, do you really want them to be with you just because of pity? Or do you want them to respect you and love you? So, rule out the option of begging or pleading during break up or when trying to get your ex back forever.
Brutal Mistake #3: Let Them Walk All Over You
Never turn yourself to a toy by accepting every condition giving to you by your ex just to get him or her back. In fact, psychologically, both of you are undergoing the same emotion turmoil, so never rush in accepting every condition giving to you by your ex.

Never allow you instinct to control you in this situation, instead give yourself time to think over the conditions that may lead to reconciliation. Remember, how to get your ex back forever is an art.
Deadly Mistake #4: Showering Them with Affection
If your ex has affection for you, why must he or she dump you in the first place? This is not the time to shower your ex with affection or gift. In fact, showering your ex with affection means you are desperate and no one will like to deal with a desperate person.
Instead of showering your ex with affection throw up challenges which will let him or her know you are equal to the task at any point. Hope you are getting clearer view of how to get your ex back forever now.
The truth is, your ex already know that you love him or her, how much you adore him or her and how much you care about him or her. But they still decided to breakup. Showering them with affection is not going to help you. In fact, the more you smother them, the more trapped they’ll feel. And that will just make them want to get away from you as soon as possible.
Brutal Mistake #5: Freaking Out When Your Ex Starts Dating
It is normal for your ex to start dating another girl or boy after breakup. Don’t make it look as if it is a taboo. Remember, anything assumes the meaning you give to it. If you see it as nothing, after all, let him try another girl or boy so be it. But if you see it as something big then you will find it difficult to handle the situation.
But the truth is that most of the time such dating is referred as rebound relationship.

Rebound Relationships- A type of relationship that is formed very quickly after a painful breakup with someone who you had an emotional and intense relationship. Rebounds are often used as crutches to soften the blow of the emotional heartache you could be feeling. In this case, you still have much chances of getting back your ex. Report shows that over 95% of people that get involved in a rebound relationship latter goes back to their ex permanently. So, you are on the right course on how to get your ex back forever.
The basic fact is that rebound relationship end sooner than you may think because your ex is into it just not to think much about the broken relationship. There is no affection in such a relationship. Fortunately for you, it’s one of the most ineffective ways to move on.
So, just because they are in a rebound relationship doesn’t mean they will forget about you and move on. In fact, it just means the opposite. It means that they are having a hard time moving on and as long as they are in this rebound relationship, they can’t work on moving on with their life.
As earlier said, if your ex is in a rebound relationship, all you need to do is to be calm and relax because down inside his heart you are the chosen one. It is a great sign that you are making head way on how to get your ex back forever.
What If You’ve Already Made These Mistakes?
That does not mean you can’t get you ex back. It simply means you a just the normal person. Every human being has the tendency of being pushy and needy in such situation. It only takes the right information and guide to excel in such situation. After all, it is your sole right to fight for what you cherish in life. Therefore, you are lucky because you are here now to learn the exact steps on how to get your ex back forever and keeping him or her forever without repeating these deadly mistakes.
The Much Needed 5 Steps of How to Get Your Ex Back Forever
STEP #1 on How to Get Your Ex Back
You must have done the first step in getting back your ex, which was providing answers to the 2 questions above. How to get your ex back forever starts with evaluating if the relationship is worth salvaging. After that, you go ahead to evaluate the reason of the breakup.
The solution to any problem in life starts with understanding of the problem, which is why you must take your time analyzing why the break up in the first place.
Research shows that most of the breakup are caused by lack of sexual attraction, infidelity, lack of communication, financial problem, and lack of trust or fed up with the relationship from both party and many more. So, it is your duty to figure out the reason for your break up now before going further on how to get your ex back forever
STEP #2 on How to Get Your Ex Back
The “No Contact” system is the second steps on how to get your ex back forever. The technicality involve in applying the “no contact” is weird such that you must learn how to do it right

The “No Contact” is beyond stopping phone call, stopping charting on Facebook, twitter, no email It is technical because if done wrongly then your ex will go forever. So, learn from Brad Browning the founder of the “NO CONTACT” .
If you are a Man Click Here to take a short quiz to qualify for a free detailed video presentation that teaches the "No Contact" and personalized tips on how to get your ex back.
If you are a Woman Click Here to take a short quiz to qualify for a free detailed video presentation that teaches the "No Contact" and personalized tips on how to get your ex back.
STEP #3 on How to Get Your Ex Back
The third step on how to get your ex back entails “FOCUSING ON YOURSELF”. Most people are of the habit of looking sorrowful and pitiful after breakup just to solicit pity and attention from friends and families. In sharp contrast, this is the time to hang out with friends, indulge in extra curriculum activities, mostly your hobbies.

Research show that people that quickly get involve in those things does not pass through much pains associated with break up. In fact, they are those that quickly get back their ex.
STEP #4 on How to Get Your Ex Back
Do not forget that getting back your ex is not a magic wand, so it needs much work and persistence on your part. Brads Browning guide on how to get your ex back made the job easier for you.
Men: Click Here Take a Short Quiz Here to Get Free Video Presentation From Brad
Women: Click Here Take a Short Quiz Here to Get Free Video Presentation From Brad
In this stage, you will find out if your ex is still interested. There are two ways of doing that, which are directly or indirectly. Directly entails establishing a contact with your ex and at this point never show any form of interest rather try as much as you can to be natural and platonic. His or her moves and response will tell if your ex is still interested or not.
Indirect method of getting back your ex entails telling your friend or friends to chat with him or her and during the chat your friend should chip in you matter, his response will tell if he is still interested or not.
If he or she uses the words such as, "I don’t know how I offended her". "She or he has been avoiding me" and many more, then there is likely hood of your ex coming back to stay with you forever.
STEP #5 on How to Get Your Ex Back
The final step on how to get your ex back entails sending email messages or text messages that have proven to trigger the psychological hot button of any man or woman. The messages are called “Magnetic messages”. The messages work even if your ex have started real dating or vowed not to get back with you again.
The messages are in-built in the Brads Browning get your ex back video. it is a copy and paste message, which means all the work has been done for you.
The video reveals when to send the message and the exact reply you will be expecting. In fact, your ex will be the one begging for a second chance because the messages are powerful and magnetic. At the end of the day, your ex will be thinking it is his or her own idea to get back to you because you have finally unlock his or her heart to love you forever.
Guys: Do you need instant access to Brad"s Video? Click Here to take a Short Quiz to Qualify for it
Ladies: Do you need instant access to Brad"s Video? Click Here to take a Short Quiz to Qualify for it